Body massage therapy is one of the methods to help treat a number of diseases of bones, joints, nerves and muscles. At the same time, through proper massage at important acupuncture points also helps to stimulate blood circulation, exchange oxygen in the body, relieve stress and pressure, bring a feeling of relaxation and comfort. in times of fatigue.
With only an extremely affordable cost along with a 20% discount when going to an individual session, 35% off when buying a course card at San Mira, it is also served enthusiastically and professionally by a team of rich technicians. Experience and in-depth knowledge of massage techniques. Therefore, this is absolutely a worthy choice if you have a need for therapeutic massage to regenerate energy, regain labor, overcome symptoms of aches and pains, shoulder pain, back pain, eat well. tasty….
What are the effects of Body Therapy?
- Blood circulation, helps blood to circulate more, blood in the joints is also better circulated.
- Massage therapy to relieve pain and fatigue
- Massage therapy prevents symptoms of cardiovascular disease and is very good at preventing disease. At the same time, massage also helps lower blood pressure for people who often have high blood pressure. Helps reduce sudden and abnormal increases in blood pressure.
- Promote the treatment of respiratory diseases such as fibrosis, stiffness, lung, bronchial asthma …
- Helps to eat better and detox more
At the same time, complying with the therapeutic body massage process here is combined with the body’s detox steam to help purify, detoxify and promote comprehensive health, quickly fly away aches and pains to help bring about a state of balance. Perfect for both your body and mind.
Body Treatment at San Mira:
+ Step 1: Herbal foot soak
When lying face down
+ Step 2: Relax the whole body by acupressure from the soles of the feet, the waist up to the back, shoulders and head area.
+ Step 3: Massage with essential oils to soothe the painful area and reduce blood vessel congestion.
+ Step 4: Focus on acupressure on shoulders, neck and waist to help blood circulation to reduce inflammation and pain
+ Step 5: Massage combined with acupressure points in the legs and soles of the feet to help reduce the symptoms of numbness in the legs.
When lying on your back
+ Step 6: Massage the feet and focus on pressing the foot acupuncture points to better eliminate toxins in the body.
+ Step 7: Hand massage combined with acupressure in the palm of the hand helps to strengthen the heart and eyes
+ Step 8: Press the acupuncture points around the chest area, combining shoulders, neck, and nape to help relax more deeply.
+ Step 9: Day presses acupuncture points in the face and head to relieve stress and stress after a long working day.
+ Step 10: Wipe the body with a warm towel, help the guest up, massage the shoulder, neck, waist and finish.
Don’t hesitate, contact San Mira right away!!!
San Mira Spa
🌺 CN1: B4X3 KĐT Mỹ Đình 1, Cầu Diễn, Nam Từ Liêm, Hà Nội ( Đối diện hầm gửi xe toà nhà Florencer)
☎️ Hotline/Zalo : 0375566559
🌺 CN2: 17E Lô A10 KĐT Nam Trung Yên, Yên Hòa, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội ( Đối diện sảnh chung cư CT2)
☎️ Hotline/Zalo : 0976301259